Borough Bites:

NYC Wholesale Food Blog

Need culinary tips & tricks, food industry insights, or some creative inspiration? You’ve come to the “ripe” place.

The Best Asparagus Substitutes – 10 Delicious Alternatives to Try

With its elegant spears, tender texture, and earthy-sweet flavor, asparagus is a springtime favorite. However, only a few months per year can you enjoy its peak flavor and crunchiness. So, how can you replace asparagus when it is unavailable or out of season? Today, we explore some of the best asparagus substitutes that are similar in texture and flavor or give dishes a unique spin. Discover our 10 favorite asparagus alternatives and how to use them for delicious culinary offerings. When is Asparagus in Season? Asparagus is one of the quintessential spring vegetables that pops up after the long winter months. Although it is often available year-round, you can enjoy the asparagus peak season from March to May. Asparagus Types 4 Types of Asparagus There are four main types of asparagus, each with its own flavor profile and texture: Green Asparagus – the most common variety, featuring a grassy, slightly [...]

Complete Guide to New York Seasonal Produce: When, How, Where to Buy 

Experienced chefs know the secret to making exceptional dishes: fresh, peak seasonal produce has the best taste and quality. Seasonal menu planning is a great way to make the most out of what’s growing in a specific time of year and to create delicious dishes infused with the season’s special flavors. Want to know what’s in season? We’ve prepared a handy guide to help you get a clear overview of New York seasonal produce, month by month. Read below to find out when to buy the freshest fruits and veggies and where to find the best seasonal wholesale food suppliers. New York Seasonal Produce Guide With today’s global food distribution, many fruits and vegetables are available year-round. However, some produce is best enjoyed in its peak season or has a limited harvesting period. Let’s explore some of the essential food items available in New York, season by season. Spring Seasonal [...]

Frying Oils 101: what oils to choose for your restaurant  

In the culinary world, frying is a prevalent cooking method, especially in restaurant kitchens. Opting for the right type of frying oil in a commercial setting holds immense importance due to different oils' varied flavors, textures, and smoking points. This careful selection not only influences the taste and texture of the food but also impacts resource consumption, making it a pivotal choice in culinary operations. Here is how to choose the best frying oil for your restaurant to deliver consistent crunchy goodness while keeping your budget crisp. What are frying oils? The term “frying oils” refers to the types of oils used for frying, whether stir-frying, deep-frying, or sautéing. Restaurant kitchens need significant amounts of oil for large-scale frying, so choosing an oil that doesn’t strain your budget and delivers quality and flavor is essential. Generally, frying oils are more refined, while unrefined oils have a lower smoke point, a [...]

One-Stop Wholesale Supplies for Restaurants in NYC: Partnering with Valley View Produce 

In the fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, efficiency and cost-effectiveness are vital factors for success. One area where restaurateurs can significantly improve their operations is by leveraging the power of an online store for wholesale restaurant supplies.In the fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, efficiency and cost-effectiveness are vital factors for success. One area where restaurateurs can significantly improve their operations is by leveraging the power of an online store for wholesale restaurant supplies.

5 Ways Wholesale Food Distributors Help Chefs Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a major problem — and restaurants are some of the worst culprits. Luckily, working with wholesale food distributors can help chefs quickly reduce food waste. Food waste is a major problem in the culinary industry. In the U.S. alone, we waste 119 billion pounds of food each year, which is roughly 40% of all food in the country. Not only does food waste mean families in need can’t always put food on the table, but it also exacerbates climate change as producing, processing, transporting, and handling food generates carbon dioxide emissions. Plus, uneaten food winds up in landfills generating methane. While some food waste is inevitable, we can do much better, especially in the culinary industry. After all, restaurants purchase food on a larger scale than households, meaning inventory surpluses can quickly add up, making a larger impact on the environment and affecting restaurants’ bottom lines. The […]

10 Reasons Restaurants Should Use Local Wholesale Food Suppliers

Wholesale food suppliers are vital for restaurants. Wholesalers provide economies of scale in procurement and variety. They also manage food safety, compliance, technology, transportation, and logistics complexities. By forming meaningful relationships with their suppliers, restaurants can focus on operations and the guest experience. Through partnerships with local wholesale food suppliers, restaurants can experience several benefits unavailable to them when working with restaurant food suppliers near them. From access to high-quality and fresh produce to cost savings, here are 10 benefits restaurants can take advantage of when working with a local supplier. Access to High-Quality & Fresh Produce When you buy local, you buy fresh. Local restaurant food suppliers offer produce that is fresher and of better quality than their larger counterparts. Because they source locally from nearby farms and producers, there’s a shorter transportation that the items travel. They often travel directly from the farm, to a quick stop where […]

A Chefs Guide To The 10 Best Leek Alternatives 

The subtle mild onion flavor of leeks lends itself well to numerous applications for chefs, but it’s not one of those vegetables that are ever on the top of anyone’s produce order lists. Leeks are also notoriously dirty, requiring a good scrubbing to remove dirt between their tight leaves, and they are also relatively expensive compared to other alliums with a similar flavor profile. Luckily, they have a flavor profile that can easily be substituted. So, if you are tired of scrubbing and prepping leeks, your wholesale produce supplier is out of stock, or you are looking to save a buck, here is a look at the 10 best alternatives to leeks. Shallots Shallots are by far the best alternative on this list as they have the closest flavor comparison to leeks. Shallots, similar to leeks, have a delicate mild onion flavor with a hint of garlic and could be […]

10 Reasons Your Restaurant Will Benefit from Ordering Wholesale Food Online

From order delays, incorrect deliveries and low-quality spoiled products- making sure your restaurant has all the ingredients you need can be a nightmare if your ordering process is not streamlined and your suppliers are not consistent.

The Differences Between Fine Salt, Coarse Salt And Sea Salt Flakes

Not all salts are created equal, and using the right finishing salt can make all the difference in your dishes. Here is a look at the differences between fine salt, coarse salt, sea salt flakes and how to make sure you are choosing the right one to bring out the best flavors in your dishes.

Holiday Drink Ideas to Add to Your Menu

The holidays are coming, so it’s time to start planning your drinks menu. After all, you’ll soon be catering holiday parties or simply serving guests in search of a festive drink.

How to Create a Successful Vegan Menu for Your Restaurant

More than a decade ago, veganism appeared to be just some passing trend that many people were quick to dismiss.

The U.S. Avocado Market in 2022: Domestic Production and Import Challenges

The mighty avocado has seen a meteoric rise in popularity over the last few years, due mainly to its status as a superfood. According to a recent survey, over 70% of American grocery shoppers decide to buy avocados simply because they are a healthy addition to their diets.

Step Up Your Game with the Best Bar Essentials

Running a bar is no easy business. But having the right tools and ingredients at your disposal surely makes the job feel a thousand times easier.

Top 4 Summer Food Trends in 2022

Over the past few summers, we have seen many food trends emerge and fade, more than ever before. It’s no secret that the pandemic did a number on the food industry, first by massively disrupting supply chains, then by changing people’s needs and expectations when it comes to food.

Roots in the Spotlight: Beets

Looking to add some colorful flair to your restaurant dishes? Look for beets! These vibrant little root vegetables with a unique texture and taste are a real star among summer crops.

Increased safety checks for Mexican trucks cause Texas border blockade

Could a produce supply chain issue cause rising prices?  

A massive blockade along the Texas border is expected to cause supply chain issues and lead to higher prices for produce and perishable goods in the coming weeks.

4 Advantages of Buying from Local Wholesale Produce Suppliers 

When buying produce for your restaurant, the ultimate goal is to get the best fresh ingredients for your dishes, while cutting down on costs and supporting the local economy. This in turn will bring in more customers that appreciate the farm-to-table experience and quality you offer. The practice of purchasing from local suppliers and farmers near you has game-changing benefits for your restaurant.

5 Refreshing Restaurant and Bar Cocktails 

Spring is upon us, finally! Every year, we’re inspired by warm weather to make changes in our lives, be they big or small. We’re also keen on welcoming the arrival of the new season by celebrating, whether through an open-air BBQ party with friends or a lazy weekend spent on the porch sipping on some refreshing spring cocktails.

Juice Bar Essentials: Vision, Supply and Healthy Menu Options

Fruits and vegetables are nature’s gift that keeps on giving. They come with a wide range of health benefits and should be a staple in everyone’s diet. However, we don’t always have the time and energy to consume fruits as they are, so we turn to juices.